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District staff is responsible for managing all financial activities of the District, including oversight of  revenues, expenditures, investments, accounting, and debt. The District publishes an annual Budget, which communicates to residents its operating and capital needs for the upcoming fiscal year. The District's fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.


Budget Documents

FY 2024-2025 Adopted Budget.pdfFY 2023-2024 Adopted Budget.pdfFY 2022-2023 Adopted Budget.pdfFY 2021-2022 Adopted Budget.xlsxFY 2020-2021 Adopted Budget.pdfFY 2019-2020 Adopted Budget.pdfFY 2018 - 2019 Budget.pdf


Audit Documents

Audit 2019 Complete.pdfAudit 2018 Complete.pdfAudit 2017 Complete.pdf2016 Financial Audit